Prevention of Kidney Disease in Minority Groups and Emerging Nations – Focus on the Americas An ISN-Comgan Conference November 17-20, 2003, Ensenada, Baja California, Mexico

Preliminary Program


Monday, 17
16:00- 18:00 Poster set up
Poster discussions
Welcome Reception
Tuesday, 18
07:00 – 08:00 Continental Breakfast
08:00 – 08:20 Welcome Remarks
  ISN President, Dr. J.
J. Weening
Chair Organizing Committee, Dr. G. Garcia

Session I

Epidemiology of Renal Disease
Chair: Jaime Herrera-Acosta, MD,
Mexico City, Mexico
08:20 – 08:40
Epidemiological Map of Chronic Diseases in Mexico and its

Approach by the Health Ministry
Roberto Tapia, MD,
Mexico City, M�xico
08:40 – 10:30
Incidence and Prevalence of Renal Disease -1


Disease in Pima Indians in Mexico.
Mauro Valencia, PhD,
Hermosillo, Mexico


Disease in Pima Indians in the USA.
Peter Bennett, MD,
Phoenix, AZ, USA
09:15 Tracking
Ancient Pathways to a Modern Epidemic in Renal Failure
in Saskatoon
Roland Dyck, MD,
Saskatchewan, Canada.
09:35 Epidemic of
diabetic and nondiabetic renal disease among Zuni

Philip Zager, MD,
Albuquerque, NM, USA.
Panel Discussion
10:30 – 11:00 Coffee Break
11:00- 13:00 Incidence
and Prevalence of Renal Disease -2
Chair: Bernardo Rodr�guez-Iturbe,
MD, Maracaibo, Venezuela
11:00 Rising
prevalence of chronic kidney disease in Mexico.
Dante Amato, MD,
Mexico City, Mexico
11:15 Renal Disease
in Brazil.
Roberto Zatz, MD,
Sao Paulo, Brazil
11:30 Kidney disease
in Paraguay.
Francisco Santacruz Segovia,
MD, Asuncion, Paraguay
11:45 Chronic kidney
disease in Costa Rica.
Manuel Cerdas MD,
San Jose, Costa Rica
Microalbuminuria, diabetes and blood pressure in Mayan rural
Pedro Arroyo Acevedo, MD,
Mexico City, Mexico
12:15 Panel Discussion
12:45 – 14:00 Lunch

Pathogenesis and Pathophysiology of Renal

Disease in
Indigenous Populations.
14:00 – 16:00
Pathophysiology of Renal Disease in Indigenous Populations
Chair: David Pugsley, MD,
Adelaide, Australia
14:00 The long-term
consequences of low birth weight.
Leonardo Reyes, MD,
Havana City, Cuba
Microalbuminuria as a CV risk factor in Mexico City low

income population.
Clicerio Gonzalez, MD,
Mexico City, Mexico
14:30 Long Term
Course and Mechanisms of Progression of Renal
Disease in HUS.
Horacio Repetto, MD,
Buenos Aires, Argentina
14:45 Follow up of
post-infectious glomerular disease after exposure to

contaminated cheese.
Sergio W. L. Pinto, MD,
Divinopolis, Brazil
15:00 The Hygiene
Abdias Hurtado, MD,
Lima, Peru
15:15 Panel Discussion
Tea or Refreshments
Chair: John Dirks, MD,
Toronto, Canada
16:15- 16:45 Diabetes in
Native Canadians: Pathophysiology and Clinical
Bernie Zinman, MD. Toronto,
16:45- 17:15 Risk factors
for the development of renal disease in
Populations Predictors of Renal Disease Progression.
Barry M. Brenner, MD,
Boston, Ms, USA.
Predictors of
Renal Disease Progression.
19:30- 22:30 Evening Social Event
Wednesday, 19
November 2003
07:00 – 08:00 Continental Breakfast
Session III Detection
and Prevention
Chair: Guiseppe Remuzzi,
MD, Bergamo, Italy
8:30 How to
Implement Strategies for Nation Health Care Systems in
Countries: The Case of Screening and Prevention of
Renal Disease
Progression in Bolivia.
Norberto Perico, MD,
Bergamo, Italy
8:45 Prevalence of
proteinuria in Mexico, 2000 National Survey
of Health.
Martin Rosas, MD,
Mexico City, Mexico.
9:00 Kidney Disease
in African American and Mexican American
Keith Norris, MD,
Los Angeles, CA, USA.
 9:15 Primary care
health strategies for the prevention of end-stage
renal disease
in Cuba.
Miguel Almaguer, MD,
Havana City, Cuba.
9:30 Detection of
Early Nephropathy in High Risk Mexican Populations.
Alfonso Cueto-Manzano, MD,
Guadalajara, Mexico
9:45 Panel Discussion
10:15 – 10:45 Coffee Break
Session IV Treatment
and Outcome
Chair: Keith Norris, MD,
Los Angeles, CA, USA
10:45 Access to
renal replacement therapy in disadvantaged populations
Guillermo Garcia, MD.
Guadalajara, Mexico
11:00 Gene Admixture
in SouthAmerican Urban Populations.
Its Bearing on
Pharmacogenetics and Susceptibility to Diseases.
Nestor O. Bianchi, MD,
La Plata, Argentina
11:15 Access and
Coverage of RRT in Minorities and Ethnic Groups in
Ezequiel Bellorin-Font, MD,
Caracas, Venezuela
11:30 The
Latin-American Dialysis and Transplant Registry 2001.
Ana M. Cusumano, MD,
Buenos Aires, Argentina
11:45 Modification
of the National Kidney Foundation Classification of
Kidney Disease: A Latin-American proposal.
Rafael Burgos, MD,
San Juan, Puerto Rico
12:00 Panel Discussion
12:30 – 13:45 Lunch
Session V
Opportunities for Support to Indigenous

Chair: Lawrence Agodoa, MD,
Washington, DC, USA
13:45 –
The Future of
Remuzzi, MD, Bergamo, Italy
14:05 – 14:25 Management of
Early Renal Disease in Indigenous Populations.
Keith Norris, MD,
Los Angeles, CA, USA
14:25 – 14:45 TBN
14:45 – 15:15  Discussion
15:15 – 16:00 Summary and Wrap
John Dirks, MD,
Toronto Canada
Guiseppe Remuzzi, MD,
Bergamo, Italy
David Pugsley, MD,
Adelaide, Australia
16:00 Adjourn
Evening at Leisure


Social Program

Welcome Reception at Hotel Coral and Marina.

After the guests have had a chance to check-in to their respective hotels, a shuttle will provide transportation for them to the Conference Hotel for a special Mexican Fiesta Welcome Reception. Attendees will be greeted by colorfully dressed mariachi musicians in a lovely outdoor garden overlooking the marina. Come enjoy the sights, sounds and tastes of old Mexico as we dine on specially prepared �Mexican Botanas� and quench our thirst with the best of the region�s locally harvested wines and beers. As you mingle with your fellow colleagues, a Mexican Ballet Folklorico Troupe will perform to welcome you to the magic customs of this beautiful land! 

Special Event Dinner at �La Embotelladora Vieja� Restaurant. 

This evening, the attendees will be transported back in time to a very special place where the famous Santo Tomas Vineyards bottled their grape harvest. You will be dining in a 150 year-old building that was once used to age Baja�s famous wine in giant, antique wooden casks which still stand today as part of the restaurant�s decor. Known throughout Mexico as one of the top fine dining restaurants, La Embotelladora Vieja serves up incredible Mediterranean fare with a Mexican-Pacific coast twist. As we are served our elegant three-course meal in the intriguing, candlelit bottling plant, you will be left with a definite sense of the history of wine making in Baja California. This is an unforgettable evening not to be missed! 

Wednesday, November 19, 2003 – Dinner On Your Own. 

Information on various restaurants can be found on the Ensenada link in the web-site, or you may inquire at your hotel front-desk or with Conference staff, for dining suggestions. Transportation is not provided this evening, and we suggest you take local taxis from your hotel to town.

Questions? Please send an e-mail to Dr. Jaime Herrera

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