Chloe Harman’s profile

  • Chloe Harman‘s profile

    • What I do

      Job title:
      Editor of Nature Reviews Nephrology (formerly Nature Clinical Practice Nephrology)
      Nature Publishing Group

      Further information

    • Interests

      No interests have been listed by Chloe Harman.

    • Projects

      Chloe Harman has not yet listed any projects.

    • Publications

      • Harman C.

        Is poverty a risk factor for CKD?

        Nature reviews. Nephrology

        5 (5) , 241

        PubMed ID:(19384320)

      • Harman C.

        Presumed consent: yes we should.

        Nature reviews. Nephrology

        5 (4) , 177

        PubMed ID:(19322178)

      • Harman C.

        What new drugs can nephrologists look forward to in the next year or two?

        Nature clinical practice. Nephrology

        3 (5) , 235

        PubMed ID:(17457357 )

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