Zydot Ultra Clean Shampoo – How to Use and Where to Buy

If you have a hair drug test coming up, check out our Zydot Ultra Clean Shampoo review to detox hair. Special detox shampoos such as Zydot Ultra Clean work by going in the hair shaft and removing drug deposits and toxins. It purifies chemical buildup from the hair and medications that chemically bond to the shaft.

Hair can show the presence of drugs for up to 90 days. This may prove drug use in the past months and for how long one has been clean. The drugs enter the hair through sweat, sebum, and the environment, so it’s a reliable method to know about drug use.

Detoxifying hair is crucial before a hair drug test, as even small traces of the drug may result in a positive result. Taking these measures before a test will ensure you avoid legal repercussions. Keep reading to learn more about Zydot Ultra Clean Hair Detox.

How to Pass a Hair Drug Test?

To pass the hair drug test, you must know how the test works and how long drugs stay detectable in the hair. According to the scientific research published by the National Library of Medicine, a U.S. laboratory hair drug test may follow these steps:

  1. A sample of hair close to the scalp is cut;
  2. The sample must be about 1.5 inches in length;
  3. About 90 to 120 strands are needed to conduct the test;
  4. If the scalp hair isn’t enough, technicians may collect body hair;
  5. The hair is packed and sent to a lab for testing;
  6. Each hair sample collected is tested for drugs;
  7. Test methods such as immunoassay and gas or liquid chromatography are used to check for drug metabolites in hair.

Hair follicle drug tests may detect the presence of THC (marijuana), cocaine, amphetamines, opiates (e.g., heroin, morphine), and Phencyclidine (PCP). Drugs may stay for up to 90 days in the hair. This long duration is because hair retains metabolites during entire growth.

You may pass the hair follicle detox shampoo for drug test by using specified detox shampoos, such as Old Style Aloe Toxin Rid and Zydot Ultra Clean.

Apart from staying clean, these shampoos are a safe bet to effectively cleanse your hair of drug metabolites. They can increase your chances of passing the test. We’ll discuss the Zydot Ultra Clean detox shampoo in detail. Particularly this research posted by the National Center for Biotechnology Information proves the efficacy rate of Zydot Ultra Clean shampoo.

Zydot Ultra Clean Shampoo Description

As mentioned earlier, hair detox shampoo to pass drug tests has special formulas that remove toxins and drug metabolites from the hair shaft. If you have used drugs in the past 3 months, these types of shampoos will remove any toxin deposits from the shaft.

Zydot Ultra Clean Hair Detox Shampoo can be safely called the best detox shampoo to pass a hair drug test. Mostly because it has a three-step formula to ensure toxin-free hair. The shampoo, purifier, and conditioner are a perfect trio to remove drug metabolites and make hair healthier. Using these products ensures you’re able to pass a hair follicle drug test before a sports event, job interview, or court proceedings.

Zydot Ultra Clean product is made of 3 components that you have to use one after another:

Step 1: Shampoo

Zydot has a deep cleaning shampoo that can penetrate the hair even if you have styling products and hair spray on. It removes everyday buildup in hair and removes toxins.

Step 2: Purifier

The Purifier goes deep into the hair shaft and releases chemicals and medications that are present inside. It dissolves the drug metabolites from the hair, leaving them drug-free after a few uses.

Step 3: Conditioner

Follow up hair cleansing with the Zydot conditioner with aloe vera to nourish your hair and protect it from dryness. It’ll leave your hair soft and tangle-free.

Zydot Ultra Clean Shampoo is the only treatment for drug tests that comes with a dedicated purifier and conditioner in one kit. It ensures toxin-free hair and manageable locks after hair washing. Unlike other shampoos, it won’t leave your hair dry or hard. Now you know how to pass the hair follicle test with this kit.

When using the Zydot shampoo, make sure you start using it at least 3-10 days before the test—the sooner you use it, the better. Make sure you wash pillow covers, hats, and headbands to avoid reintroducing toxins in the hair.


We’ll discuss Zydot drugs and THC hair detox shampoo ingredients.

Ingredients Role in Detox
Aloe vera Nourishing and removing hair dryness after detox
Sodium lauryl sulfate Remove dirt and grime from the hair
Panthenol Adds strength, hair texture, and moisture retention, promoting overall hair health
Cocamidopropyl Betaine Softens dry hair and cleans it gently
Cocamide DEA Adds shine to hair
Citric Acid Cleans the hair from impurities
Sodium PCA Hydrates the scalp and adds moisture to the shaft
Propylene Glycol Hair softening after cleansing
DMDM Hydantoin Antimicrobial properties for cleaning hair
Tetrasodium EDTA Removes chemical and mineral buildup from the hair
Avocado oil Nourishing the hair shaft
Methylchloroisothiazolinone Antibacterial and antifungal cleansing properties
Sodium thiosulfate Removing toxins from the hair shaft and scalp

How to use Zydot Ultra Clean Shampoo?

For the product to work, you’ll have to follow the Zydot Ultra Clean shampoo instructions:

  • Begin by wetting your hair;
  • Pour half the shampoo on your palm and work a lather on your hair;
  • Massage into the scalp and leave for at least 10 minutes;
  • Rinse with lukewarm water. Apply the purifier to the scalp;
  • Use a new comb to brush the hair;
  • Leave the purifier for 10 minutes and then rinse well;
  • Use the rest of the shampoo on your hair again;
  • Leave for 10 minutes before rinsing;
  • Apply the conditioner and let it sit for 3 minutes;
  • Rinse well and dry your hair with a new towel;

This shampoo can also be used with the Macujo Method to pass the hair follicle drug test for greater effectiveness. It’s better not to risk failing the test. You may use this method for quick results.

Macujo Method

The Macujo Method was created by Mike Macujo. It can remove low levels of drug metabolites from the hair cortex. Many people use this method because it has a 99.9% success rate.

You can use this Macujo Method along with the Zydot Ultra Clean Shampoo to ensure passing the hair drug test. This is an intense hair-cleaning process, so you may have to wear protective gloves and a shower cap.

What You’ll Need:

  • Rubber gloves
  • Shower cap
  • Zydot Ultra Clean Shampoo
  • Heinz Vinegar
  • Tide Liquid Laundry detergent
  • Old Style Aloe Toxin Rid Shampoo
  • Clean & Clear Salicylic Shampoo or Neutrogena Clear Pore Astringent
  • Goggle strap
  • Baking soda

Steps for Macujo Method:

  1. Rinse your hair well with lukewarm water;
  2. Put Heinz vinegar on your hair and scalp;
  3. Some people may use baking soda before the next step;
  4. Apply Clean & Clear to your hair without rinsing the vinegar;
  5. Put your hair in a shower cap for an hour and then rinse with warm water;
  6. Wash and rinse your hair twice with Old Style Aloe Toxin Rid Shampoo;
  7. Put on the goggle strap for protection;
  8. Use Tide Liquid Laundry detergent to wash your hair;
  9. Use the Zydot Ultra Clean Shampoo as the last step.


Zydot is a budget-friendly detox shampoo that comes with a cleansing shampoo, purifier, and conditioner. The official website sells the one-time use kit for $29.95. It also comes with a money-back guarantee in case it doesn’t work as expected. You may also buy it from Amazon at a discounted price of $12.36. If you get a pack of two, it’ll cost you $22.44.

Manufacturer, Support, and Certificates

The Zydot brand was founded in 1987. Their primary products include the Ultra Clean Shampoo and Ultimate Blend Original Detox Drink.

There are no particular U.S. certificates supporting Zydot. However, the products come with a 100% money-back guarantee within 60 days. Provide barcode, best date, and phone number, as well as documentation of results proving dissatisfaction.

Contact Zydot manufacturers via telephone or email:

Telephone: 800-725-2481
Address: Zydot Customer Service
5103 South Sheridan, PMB 680
Tulsa, OK 74145

Shampoo’s Pros and Cons


  • Affordable price;
  • Available at different online stores;
  • 6-week money-back guarantee;
  • Detoxifying and nourishing hair;
  • Comes with dedicated cleansing and conditioning products;


  • Does not have product certifications;
  • May not be 100% reliable for heavy drug users;

Customer Reviews

The overall reviews for Ultra Clean Shampoo are positive and have effective results for users. Check out the Zydot best shampoo to pass hair follicle drug test reviews:

Zydot Shampoo Review

The user commented how the shampoo worked in just one hour.

Zydot Ultra Clean Detox Shampoo

As per these success stories of passing hair follicle test 2024, the shampoo worked with the Macujo Method. (Amazon)

Zydot Ultra Clean Shampoo Review

The product gave good results to the buyer.

Zydot Ultra Clean Shampoo

The buyer commented it may not work for heavy users, but it worked for him as he was a light user.

What Additional Products Can Be Used With Zydot Ultra Clean Shampoo?

As mentioned earlier in the Macujo Methods, you may use the Zydot Ultra Clean Shampoo with the Old Style Aloe Toxin Rid Shampoo. This may improve your chances of passing the drug test. The Old Style Aloe Toxin Rid Shampoo retails for $169.95 on Testclear and $190.00 on Amazon. It is more expensive in comparison to Zydot Ultra Clean Shampoo; however, it is effective when both shampoos are paired.

The Old Style Aloe Toxin Rid Shampoo has a deep cleansing formulation that removes hair contaminants and toxins. It contains propylene glycol, which is used to remove drug metabolites and chemical residues from hair. The Aloe Vera Extract moisturizes the hair after cleansing.

Frequently Asked Questions

Does Zydot Ultra Clean Detox Shampoo Work?

The shampoo may work to remove toxins when used in tandem with other cleansing methods. When used correctly, the chemicals bonded to the hair are removed by penetrating the hair shaft. You may have to use it several times before the final day of the drug test.

How to Cleanse Hair for Hair Follicle Test?

Apply the detox shampoo on wet hair and let it stay for at least 15 minutes. Rinse and repeat the process once more to ensure a clean scalp and hair.

How Many Days Should You Use Detox Shampoo?

Make sure you start using it at least ten days before the test. To be extra safe, you may start using it two weeks before the test. The actual time needed for detox will depend on your exposure to drugs.

Does Detox Shampoo Make Hair Dry?

Detox shampoos with a nourishing ingredient like aloe vera will not dry out the hair. Aloe will hydrate your hair and leave them soft and toxin-free.

How Long Does the Effect of Ultra Clean Shampoo Last?

The effects last up to 24 hours as your scalp and hair will produce natural oils. These oils will add contaminants to the hair again. You’ll have to clean items such as pillows, hats, hoodies, and headrests before using them to ensure the effects last 24 hours. Make sure to follow the instructions and not introduce drug metabolites from pillows or combs after cleansing.


Now you know how to find better than Google “Where Zydot Ultra Clean Shampoo near me?” and how to use it to detox your hair. If you are a heavy substance user, use the Macujo method or use Old Style Aloe Toxin Rid Shampoo along with Zydot Ultra Clean Shampoo. Both methods will ensure effective drug removal from the hair.

The positive Zydot Ultra Clean shampoo reviews prove that it is effective for removing drug metabolites from the hair shaft and clearing the hair drug test. If you’re unsatisfied, you may contact the manufacturer and get a refund in 6 weeks.

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